About Us

Onlinebookkeeper.com.au is one of the divisions of LJR Group.

LJR Group serves Australian property investors, business owners and high net worth individuals by providing quality accounting and tax services, efficient online bookkeeping services and the learning of the mindset that every business owner must have to succeed.

LJR’s core businesses

  • Tax –in association with BAN TACS Accountants Group founded by Julia Hartman (bantacs.com.au)
  • Accounting – LJR Accounting
  • Bookkeeping – onlinebookkeeper.com.au
  • Coaching/mentoring – limited to LJR clients only

With the internet penetrating the household and the business community, bookkeeping and accounting industry also faced new challenges as to how to utilise the internet serviceability. Online bookkeeping and accounting solutions represent new opportunities not only for bookkeepers and accountants but more for the business community with efficient and time/cost saving solutions.

At LJR we are passionate about raising the efficiency of small and medium enterprises (SME) and reducing their cost and time by providing online bookkeeping/accounting services.

The benefits of online bookkeeping and accounting solutions are countless. It uses internet as its platform to communicate financial data real time with business owners and the accounting professionals. What the benefits internet brings, the online bookkeeping solutions have as well.

Our highest values
Integrity and honesty - excellence - trust - team work - spirit of giving and sharing


Jane Min Zhang BSc, MCom, GradDip Law, CPA, FTIA

Jane migrated to Australia in 1996 from Shanghai China. She started her accounting career from scratch and soon climbed the career ladder with increased knowledge through study and work.

Having performed well as various roles including financial accountant, tax accountant and, later in her career, tax manager in different financial institutions, she gained invaluable commercial experiences.

Jane started LJR business due to her determination to succeed, desire to help others and quest for knowledge on self development. Jane has a strong service attitude and is committed to providing exceptional services to her customers.

Roger Y Zhou

Roger has been a bookkeeper, senior bookkeeper and company accountant assisting many small to medium enterprises (SME) for over fourteen years. He has rich and invaluable experiences in running SME financial world.

His keen interest in numbers, sound judgement and analysis and attention to details have been well commended by business owners.